Buy Panasonic VIERA TC-P50G25 50-Inch 1080p Plasma HDTV

The Panazonic P50G25 TC-50 "Plasma Viera Cast is almost everything I hoped it would. The clarity, color, sound, and most of the features are right on the money.
I have a big problem, though, that keeps me from giving this a 5 star for the time being, prevent me from enjoying all aspects of television that I had hoped.
It has to do with Viera Cast I chose this particular TV because I wanted to enjoy these online content like YouTube and Pandora Internet Radio. I was not too happy that I needed to be purchased separately at $ 90 a Panasonic DY-WL10 Wireless LAN adapter to make this happen, but went with it.
Unfortunately, after going through the manual process for the "connection test," I received the approval check mark to the last row - Viera Cast I've received an X, or "Connection to server failed check -. communication with the server Viera "
Or, in other words, should I still be able to access any online content, even if the TV is shown as being active or connected on my network. I have FiOS and wireless router. I talked to Panasonic tech and FiOS and have bounced back and forth without interruption until today.
If someone has the Panasonic adapter and used the manual method to connect to the server Viera was able to give me any advice, I'm all ears and eyes.


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